For a long time I've realized, People Lack Foot Strength and generally just have F-ed up feet, Collapsed arches Flat Feet Bunions Immobility Plantar Fasciitis Heel Spurs Lack of motor control And so much more!!!! I cant tell you how many people I've recommended foot mobility and strengthening exercises to. I can tell you how many people have taken the advice/ homework and consistently done them.... Keep in mind, things like foot exercises need to be done regularly, as in EVERY DAMN DAY. Why So Often? You're loading your feet all day, every day. They're the product of how you've lived loaded them To create change in these tissues you're going to … [Read more...]
Rooting: Gripping the Floor Isnt Curling Your Toes
Root: Definition: A root's four major functions are 1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, 2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it, 3) storage of food and nutrients, 4) vegetative reproduction and competition with other plants. - Wikipedia That should be the role of your feet when you lift. Actively Rooting you into the ground, LOCKING the body into the floor. Much like the hands gripping the bar, the feet need to grip the floor if we're going to create optimal stability and generate maximal force. What Rooting Does: #1: Increases Surface Area The larger the surface area the more stable the base. Like Louie Says, "A pyramid … [Read more...]
“I Overpronate”: No, You COLLAPSE
Some people hate feet. Some people like feet. Some people REALLY love feet. And (for the most part) we all have feet. That's really cool, cause they're REALLY important. Whats So Great About Feet? In the way-way back time, before shoes, feet are how we interacted with the world around us. Feet were the INSTANT feedback mechanism. Changes in terrain, slope, pitch, textures etc. ALL that information was taken in via the feet. But alas, we f-cked up. As we became desk bound and lazy we looked for comfort over function and stuck these pillows on our feet and subsequently F-ed one of our PRIMARY sensory input mechanisms. Thanks Nike Athletic … [Read more...]