"The Worlds Greatest Stretch" Pretty sure I first heard that term applied to this exercise in this book. Circa 2005 (and the book was 2-3 years old then). Fun Fact: Core Performance was the 2nd real "training" book I ever bought. The first was Functional Training for Sports. Core Performance is a book that, unfortunately, I didn't recommend for a long time. It has a really heavy focus on movement, mobility, and "integration". At the time I read it I was 22-23ish and bulletproof. So I was like, "WTF is all this "movement" about, you gotta smash some weight". Well, what I didn't have was experience, perspective and humility. 1) I should have known, at … [Read more...]
Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Yoga?
What Do You Think About Yoga? I think my back hurts... At First My Mind is All Like: "It's a really good thing that teaches calmness, focus, controlled breathing and body awareness." But My Mouth Goes (after I give it some thought): "You probably shouldn't do it." Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Why I don't recommend Yoga to most people. From my experience, Americanized yoga, what you'd probably be doing, is usually a real Sh@t fest. Full disclosure: I've NEVER taken a Yoga Class. For realzzzz I know you're mad right now. You're all like, "You're such a hypocrite, I like yoga. It's so kool. I've taught it for sooo long and it's awesome and I'm awesome and you … [Read more...]
“Monumental fitness findings”…or…”Stuff I found and read”.
I haven't put up anything in 6 months...cause... I'm lazy. What's changed in that time? I'm now a Master of the pushup (so says McDaniel College) Yes McDaniel College is/ are the "Green Terror" and no, that's not a bad environmental joke. What hasn't changed; most things we do in gyms and believe about fitness/ lifting/ physiology is still wrong, stupid, ineffective and completely made up to sell something. But sometimes we can find good stuff to help kill the broscience beast. Some Caffeine Broscience gets shot down. Broscience: "Bro, caffeine is like so bad for you". "It'll like blow your heart up and stuff". Maybe not: … [Read more...]