Nordic Quads Three words that strike fear into the heart of any client..... Glute Ham Raise... this shit is INSANE, they ain't that easy... Tyreek Hill runs VERY fast. His hamstrings are VERY strong, eccentrically/ concentrically, repeatedly, huh... "subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability." - Sprint Acceleration Mechanics: The Major Role of Hamstrings in Horizontal Force Production just saying. Usually GHR's look more like … [Read more...]
Make the Lat Pulldown Machine Useful
For the most part I'm not a big fan of weight machines, but lat pulldowns are pretty good. Especially with the neutral grip bar.... Thats my online client Nate Dog...doing lat pulldown, nothing special here, just needed a good video and he does a good job. [Tweet "Usually weight machines are nothing but $3-7 thousand dollar coat hangers"]. Fun Fact: Almost every weight machine was produced to replicate a barbell movement. Yeah, I know body builders like them. Yeah, I know that sometimes they do give you a different "feel" and hit the muscle better than a/ the barbell equivalent. <------ Pec Deck: the arms straight kind … [Read more...]