Chances Are, You Suck At This You're probably either doing the stiff knees: got it from Sparkbmxtraining or the rounded low back This is from CliftonParkchiro or both.... See Wha' Had Happen Wazz You're all like the Tin Man. [Tweet "You can't move from the hip, hell you don't even know what a hip is..."] We gotta change that, cause without some hips you're gonna (probably) get some big time fugazi awesome feelings in your lower back. Now this is what hinging the hip looks like: From Hips back Shins Vertical Chest "up" Straight line shoulders through hips Lower back in neutral I know what you're thinking, it's … [Read more...]
Learning the Hip Hinge, When You’ve Got no Hips
June 9, 2014 by Roy:
Filed Under: Doing It Better, Program design, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: Butt, Core, Glute Training, Glutes, Hip, Hip Hinge, low back safety, low back training, RDL, Romanian Deadlift, safety, Vertical shin, vertical tibia
Exercises You Should Do:
March 13, 2013 by Roy:

Here are 3 somewhat unconventional exercises that would be well worth your time to include in a program. One Arm Floor Press: Upper Chest Builder Extraordinaire This exercise DESTROYS your upper chest more so than just about any other pressing exercise. Key Points: At Set Up: Legs Straight out, knees flat. Press your heels into the ground. Shoulders "packed" pinched together and pulled down(chest up). Push the "open" elbow into the ground. Crush the dumbbell. Forearm straight at start, elbow at 90 degrees. Pressing: Drive the shoulders down Press OVER the chest No Rotating On the Way Down: Soft … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Program design, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: Glute Training, One Arm Floor Press, Real Row, Reverse Slider Lunge, Unilateral training, Upper Chest training