Prone Bent Knee Hip Extensions After I put out this one about back pain I got some, "What's the deal with the exercise where you put your face into the ground and lift your leg" Well, here's the deal. I've been using it a lot lately and while I can't "prove" it. That sh@t has been straight magic. PBKHE are Like Gandalf. And not, nice, grandfatherly Gandalf. Like, You Shall Not Pass, Gandalf. The First Step in the Scientific Method is Observation In the absence of accumulated evidence we need to work in observation and hypothesis. Why isn't personal observation alone good enough? High, high, risk of … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Single Leg RDL
The Single Leg RDL might be my favorite lift to prescribe. Not most RX'd (thats how the cool kids used to write prescribed circa 2015), favorite. It's almost like a right of passage. When it shows up on your program it's like you've graduated from padawan learner to Jedi apprentice. But you ain't no Jedi..... Not yet. Does this mean everyone gets SLRDL's? Nope. Sometimes it's not a good fit for that person. Sometimes Single Leg RDL's are not worth the trouble and investment in time to pattern correctly and load effectively. But for many, many clients of mine, "You're gonna get em, you're gonna do them, and YES, they will suck" Single Leg … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Kettlebell Swing
"If you could only do one exercise what would it be?" I seriously HATE that question. It instantly tells me that whoever is asking it is SUPER lazy. Why? Because why would you only do one exercise when you can do ANY and ALL of them? BUT If there was only one exercise I could do it might, MIGHT be the kettlebell swing. Why? Mostly cause it's boss as all hell. Other than that, it's probably the best example of highly user friendly, easily applicable, total body, explosive strength. "Strength and conditioning professionals may use both kettlebell swings and explosive deadlifts to increase deadlift strength and vertical jump power." - Effects of … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Goblet Squat
Squat: The King of All Exercises That's what the squat has been called. Why? Well, a good, heavy, squat works, well, EVERYTHING. From top to bottom: Upper Back: Gotta keep the mid back (rhomboids), lats, traps TIGHT AF through the movement to maintain upper torso stability. <---you NEED to be LOCKED INTO the bar. You DO NOT want to be balancing the bar on your upper back. Grip: At least in the back squat and Kettlebell Goblet Squat. Better be CRUSHING the bar to tighten the whole body and help keep that bar in place. Core: Lot's of people who have never squatted anything relatively challenging will tell you, "squats don't work the core" Those … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Mini Band Monster Walk
"Walk Like Frankenstein" That's how you do these. You, "walk like Frankenstein". But Here's The Thing: People are pretty poor at walking like Frankenstein these days. As usual its that whole weak hips/ core control thing. My best guess is too much sitting with the low back rounded and pelvis tilted forward (makes the lower back overactive) combined with weak hip external rotators makes the MiniBand Monster Walk a mini sh@t show sometimes. Why The Mini Band Monster Walk? These actually train more than just the #booty. Things like: Pelvic control Core control Ankle and Foot strength Mini Band Monster Walks Checklist: Start with a … [Read more...]
Winter is Coming: Get Ready to Ski.
I Have NEVER Skied. Fun Fact: I train a whole bunch of skiers. More Fun(er) Fact: They don't need "Ski Specific" training to improve. People that sell you "sport specific" are often charlatans who don't actually know what sports specific means. And NO sport specific DOES NOT mean the movement kinda sorta LOOKS like the sporting movement. Sport Specific: For an exercise to be classified as "sport specific" it MUST, in the same motor regime, accurately replicate similar joint angle velocities as the sporting movement its self. Most Fun Fact: In my experience, the "training" most skiers (and weekend warriors as a whole) do, isn't training at all. It's … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Single Leg Glute Bridge
Do Single Leg Glute Bridges = Hamstring Cramps? There's a solid chance that's what's going to happen the first time you do these, Hamstring cramps. And THAT tells you something. YOUR ASS ISN'T DOING IT'S JOB optimally.... And this is super common, "Research shows high gluteal muscle activity during a single-leg bridge compared to other gluteal strengthening exercises; however, prior studies have primarily measured muscle activity with the active lower extremity starting in 90 ° of knee flexion with an extended contralateral knee. This standard position has caused reports of hamstring cramping, which may impede optimal gluteal strengthening." - BUILDING A BETTER … [Read more...]