I really hate it when people go, "It's easy for you to workout and eat right, you work in a gym." Or, my favorite "it's easy for you to be in shape, you get paid to work out all day." WTF is that, yeah, I work out all day..... The truth about this whole working out and being "in shape" thing: It Sure as Hell isn't Easy. If it was everyone would do it and most are not. Fact is: MOST people in the United States are overweight. (the number is somewhere around 60-70%). That's Fu#king Atrocious. I'm not going to be one of those "You're fat cause you're stupid and lazy" guys. Cause, you're not stupid.....you know what you should do AND you're not … [Read more...]
Dave Tate on Human Potential/ Drugs in Sports/ Passion etc..
Dave Tate speaks the TRUTH about human potential and drugs in sports.... http://youtu.be/R7WUHVA9lqE He makes the point I was talking about here: Achievement, 10,000 hours, Grit and why you're not a pro athlete... … [Read more...]
Achievement, 10,000 hours, Grit and why you’re not a pro athlete…..
First things first: the best predictor of lifetime sporting achievement is your parents. Genetics matter, a lot. the talent pool at the truly world-class level is deep and wide. Those without the basic prerequisites, height, size, strength, speed etc. will not make the cut. [Tweet "Just trying hard doesn't get you a $120 million dollar contract."] That said, practice can go a long way to getting the most out of the abilities you do have. the old Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. has a lot of truth to it...but lets face it there are not too many 5'6 point guards in the NBA or 5.5 second 40yrd dash guys playing cornerback in the … [Read more...]