Most People Shouldn't Deadlift..... with a straight bar. Writing those words in 2018 feels kinda like these guys, Here comes the we don't give a damn about context Trolls. Regardless of what the 23-year-old internet guru, soothsayer, shaman, "coach" says not everyone should deadlift, with a straight bar. "The Barbell is The Tool of Satan" I was told that a looooonnnnngggg time ago, by a very large and strong man. At least in his mid 50's and repping 405 on the bench. He was telling me sh@t about what I should do to be able to train forever and still progress. One of those things was, "Don't … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Trap Bar Deadlift
October 3, 2018 by Roy:
Filed Under: training articles, You Should Do This Tagged With: deadlift, glute, Glutes, hamstrings, Hex Bar, hex bar deadlift, Posterior chain, Trap Bar, Trap Bar deadlift, Traps