Hips Off Dumbbell Bench Press I'm willing to bet you don't create enough tension when you press. I know I don't. How do I know this? Just go to the gym and watch folks bench press. You'll see lots of wiggling around, feet tapping and moving, knee coming in and out, hips up and down. But watch the strongest, smoothest bench. What do you see? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLrecJPciy4 None of that, usually. There is always that dude who is a freak, has craptastic technique and is waaaaaay stronger than almost everyone else. But we call those people freaks, lucky, outliers and wasting lots of potential if they just got their shit … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Single Leg Glute Bridge
Do Single Leg Glute Bridges = Hamstring Cramps? There's a solid chance that's what's going to happen the first time you do these, Hamstring cramps. And THAT tells you something. YOUR ASS ISN'T DOING IT'S JOB optimally.... And this is super common, "Research shows high gluteal muscle activity during a single-leg bridge compared to other gluteal strengthening exercises; however, prior studies have primarily measured muscle activity with the active lower extremity starting in 90 ° of knee flexion with an extended contralateral knee. This standard position has caused reports of hamstring cramping, which may impede optimal gluteal strengthening." - BUILDING A BETTER … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Single Leg Hip Thrust
There is a good chance that 2018 was peak Insta-Ass. What's Insta-Ass? Insta-Ass is the fitness subcategory (which I kinda just made up) that is nothing more than girls in leggings doing "Booty Workouts" and ass shots on Instagram. Actually, lets face it, until the fairly recent and kinda small backlash against the Instagram Fitfluencer thing, the whole Insta-Ass thing was at least 70% of all fitness related posts on Instagram since about 2015. Butt, here's the thing: Glutes REALLY are Important. I have would argue that glutes are the MOST IMPORTANT muscle group in the human body. "for us, for athletes, glutes are everything — the absolute … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Hamstring Curl
Pop Quiz: What's the Function of the Hamstring? Everyone gets: Knee Flexion. Everyone forgets: Hip Extension That's right, the hamstring(s) (3 of the 4) cross 2 joints. The Semitendinosus, and both heads of the Biceps Femoris (long and short) cross both the knee and the hip. So What the Hell Does That do With What? This means the hamstrings are not only involved in knee flexion, bending your knee, bringing the heel to the butt, like in a seated hamstring curl. The hamstrings are also a player (albeit should be secondary to our old friends the glutes) in hip extension. "The hamstrings have a large moment arm for hip extension, making them a key … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Glute Bridge Kneeout
Butts Are Important Seriously, you need glutes. Functioning glutes. Glutes that actually make you Instagram famous keep your knees from being torn to pieces from collapsing inward. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the glutes may be the most important muscles in the body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXPDhggbWfM great vid from Athlean X If you tell me, "No, it's the core" I'll not disagree with you. Why? Glutes are Core. If the hips can't be "set" , all the abs in the world can't effectively brace you. Without the glutes keeping the pelvis in a correct (usually neutral) position you'll have to default into the lumbar spine, "dump … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Kneeling Squats
Long, Long, Ago.. In a Distant Land, Circa 2014 There was this dude. Jaret Grossman. At the time he was putting out these, fairly well done and if not enjoyable, tolerable motivational YouTube fitness videos. Little did he, or we, know at the time that 2 of the stars of his videos, both, virtual unknowns at the time would become fitness superstars. One was Marc Megna The other was future instafamous duck butt sensation Jen Selter And just to cut to the chase she's had a LOT of influence on the whole fill your ass with cement in a Miami hotel room cause that's not sketchy at all fitness culture that's been around since circa … [Read more...]
Half Kneeling: It’ll Fix What Ails Ya.
Q: What Makes Everything Harder? A: Half Kneeling... Do it in half kneeling and it's harder. Shoulder Press Corner Press Cable Row Pallof Press Do them in half kneeling, go ahead, use less weight... Its harder. Why? In the words of Gray Cook: "Tall and Half Kneeling Positions force you to OWN your position" In My Words, "You Can't Half-Ass, Half-Kneeling" When in Half-Kneeling it's really tough to hide your weaknesses with NO LOAD. Add even minimal loads and there's no denying it. Half-Kneeling is an Inherently Unstable Position. Yes, it tries to put you on your ass. Unless you align, activate, brace and move with solid, effective … [Read more...]