Booty, Booty, Booty, Rocking Everywhere... IDK if this is NSFW or what, it's kinda hilarious. That line of literary genius was "spit" (that's what the cool kids say these days) by Bubba Sparks circa 2009. With the rise of Instagram "Glute Building Experts" (aka. soft core porn veiled as fitness) and Pintrest 30 Day Butt Challenges there's a whole lotta hyperextension, ie sticking your ass out, getting passed off as "technique". I guess that's what happens when your "fitness expert" is just a model with a big butt who likes to workout.... This "Duck Butt" position that you see a lot of these "experts" exhibit is actually just jamming … [Read more...]
Lumbar Hyperextension, Fake Lockouts and The Pillar Position.
March 31, 2016 by Roy:
Filed Under: Program design, sports science, training articles Tagged With: Core, gllutes, instagram, jen selter, lumbar hyperextension, lumbar spine, pillar, pillar position, spine