New Year, New You And all that bullshit, right? Dietary New Years Resolutions usually amount to, "This is the year, I'll finally eat like an adult, quit making excuses for my craptastic food choices, (and yes, they are CHOICES), and take actual f-ing responsibility for what I, a fully functioning adult human being, put in my mouth". But, let's get real. Linda brought doughnuts this morning. Boston Crème... I'll just have one and start tomorrow. <----find tomorrow on the calendar.. Hell, its only the end of January, your resolution has probably already been "broken" and you're at the same place you were on February 1, 2018, and February 1, 2017 … [Read more...]
Wanting to Eat a Second Cupcake isn’t a Sugar Addiction..
Are We Addicted to Sugar? Unless you've been living under a rock or blissfully never listening to the fear box TV, you've probably heard that sugar is as, or more, addicting than "hard" drugs like cocaine and heroin. Study: Sugar Hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine "A junk food addiction is a lot more like a drug addiction than researchers previously thought. They now claim sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine." - ABC13 Houston Sugar = Heroin, How to Cut Your Addiction - Big Think Believe me, I have. In fact, it gets repeated to me on an almost daily basis. Usually in the form of, "I can't lose weight, I'm … [Read more...]