Lets get some things straight: 1) Exercise Intensity: Percentage of 1 Rep Maximum..... It's a scientific, numerical, value...not a "feeling" about how "tough" a workout is. 2) Max Effort Training is about training at or above 90% of your 1 Rep Maximum. It has NOTHING to do with the "effort" you "feel" you are putting out. It's all about the relative intensity of the exercise. It's a NUMERICAL VALUE....if you can't put a MEASURABLE NUMBER on it...it's not Intense. Therefore, your 3 hour Zumba class, unless measured through the use of heart rate monitoring and judged against maximum hear rate, was not intense. Now that, that's out-of-the-way. 3) Max … [Read more...]
Warm-Up Warriors: Overboard or on Target?
"It's cool to pee your pants"- Billy Madison (Adam Sandler) http://youtu.be/Bv6pjoKLPSY Obviously that's a load of B.S., it's not cool to pee your pants, it's probably the exact opposite of cool, it's anything but cool, it's totally uncool...... and that's how I feel about warm-ups.... Seriously, they suck, they are UN-COOL. No matter how many articles I read about how awesome the foam roller is or this stretch is or that mobility drill is they all suck as far as I'm concerned. They are boring as hell and detract from time that can be spent being awesome (smashing weight, eating meat, being a costumed crime fighter) But here's the deal: YOU GOTTA DO … [Read more...]