"Roll the belt buckle to the chin.." "Push the bottom rib into the abs...." I say those about 50 times a day. Why? It's all about the Open Scissor position. It's no good. But its the default for lots of people. Instead of using the "core" to brace against the forces, this default makes you Instagram famous uses the lumbar spine and pelvis, driving into each other, to buttress forces. In a perfect world we want a neutral scissor position. The neutral scissor is just the "Pillar" or "Cylinder" position, nothing new. Core Control: You don't want excessive lumbar movement, flexion (rounding) or arching (extension). We need to be able to put the … [Read more...]
Dr. Stuart McGill, Yoda, with bad ass facial hair.
November 14, 2011 by
I saw Dr. McGill speak at the NSCA conference back in July. Essentially he is a B-52 of spine knowledge dropping Nuclear knowledge BOMBS all over the place. Here is a very good video (which I stole, cause I'm a thief, from Mike Robertson's most awesome newsletter). http://youtu.be/033ogPH6NNE Damn, maybe that ABZZZZ class was a bad idea after all... … [Read more...]