Weight Belts, they're Totally Misunderstood. Some research says: Weight Belts Don't Work. <----but this is mostly in occupational settings and has, for reasons I can't understand been extrapolated to the athletic performance arena. Some, most, research says: Yes, They Do. Here's a really nice research review, kinda old, but still pretty good. And that dude at the gym, the guy with the jorts and sweet rat-tail, he's always wearing one. But he's a total tool, The HUGE guy who deadlifts 5 plates for reps, he uses one too. And he's the strongest guy there.... So what's the deal? The deal is: [Tweet "Weight Belts are Used Wrong 99% of the … [Read more...]
Learning the Hip Hinge, When You’ve Got no Hips
Chances Are, You Suck At This You're probably either doing the stiff knees: got it from Sparkbmxtraining or the rounded low back This is from CliftonParkchiro or both.... See Wha' Had Happen Wazz You're all like the Tin Man. [Tweet "You can't move from the hip, hell you don't even know what a hip is..."] We gotta change that, cause without some hips you're gonna (probably) get some big time fugazi awesome feelings in your lower back. Now this is what hinging the hip looks like: From Bodybuilding.com Hips back Shins Vertical Chest "up" Straight line shoulders through hips Lower back in neutral I know what you're thinking, it's … [Read more...]