Wrist Wraps = Healthy, Happy, Wrists And Elbows Elbows Yes, elbows. Wrist Wraps do Two Obvious Things: 1: "Cast" your wrist in place so the hand and forearm stay aligned. This ABSOLUTELY helps you LIFT MORE WEIGHT. 2: Keeping the wrist aligned also keeps a LOT of stress off the wrist joint and helps keep the wrists happy and healthy. Already covered #2 in this article: Bent Wrists, Loose Grips = Fire Elbow and it Sucks But the less obvious benefit is: Wrist Wraps Protect You From FIRE ELBOW Wait But What: It's all connected, nothing functions in isolation and: What Happens at One Joint Affects ALL Other Joints Maybe the effect is small, but there is an … [Read more...]
Bent Wrists, Loose Grips= Fire Elbow and It Sucks
Most of you are probably like, "WTF is Fire Elbow, is this even a real thing?" Those of you that have it are like, "F-ing, shite, yeah, that sucks" Fire Elbow, known to the medical community as Medial Epicondylitis or golfers elbow, is the scourge of nations.... http://boneandspine.com/medial-epicondylitis-or-golfers-elbow/ Not really But it really f-ing sucks and is difficult as all hell to treat and usually lasts for months. If you get it or have it you should buy one of these and do what the directions say. It's like a freaking miracle cure. How you get it: The Mechanism of Action From WebMD: "Golfer's elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is … [Read more...]