"I saw these really SPORT SPECIFIC workouts on Instagram. Maybe we could incorporate some of these exercises" If I had a nickel for every time I got some variation of that line, I'd have at least $50. Keep in mind, that's 1,000 nickels. Point Is: I get that line often. While it's of good intentions it's 100% uneducated and misguided. Keep in mind, its not the clients fault. "You Only Know Everything You've Learned"- Alwyn Cosgrove And unfortunately for the last 2-3 decades the "fitness biz" has done a piss poor job of actually educating the public. Instead, we used to hold "speed camps" and "combine training" where your kid would get faster in a … [Read more...]
Half Kneeling: It’ll Fix What Ails Ya.
Q: What Makes Everything Harder? A: Half Kneeling... Do it in half kneeling and it's harder. Shoulder Press Corner Press Cable Row Pallof Press Do them in half kneeling, go ahead, use less weight... Its harder. Why? In the words of Gray Cook: "Tall and Half Kneeling Positions force you to OWN your position" In My Words, "You Can't Half-Ass, Half-Kneeling" When in Half-Kneeling it's really tough to hide your weaknesses with NO LOAD. Add even minimal loads and there's no denying it. Half-Kneeling is an Inherently Unstable Position. Yes, it tries to put you on your ass. Unless you align, activate, brace and move with solid, effective … [Read more...]
Book Review: Advances in Functional Training
Damn you Kindle your portability and way cheaper books! Damn You..... Actually, it's really awesome. After I finished Never let Go by Dan John, review (which was picked up and put out on Dan John's email blast) here, I picked up Mike Boyle's latest book Advance in Functional Training. It's the third book Mike Boyle has put out and it is BY FAR the best. The first book Functional Training for Sports was one of the very first books on training I ever bought and at the time a seminal "pick up and apply" book in the field. You could buy the book read it in a couple of days, understand or at least apply the concepts and you would be better off than most of the people … [Read more...]