PROTEIN Protein is EVERYWHERE these days. But most folks don't know what it is, what the hell it even does, how much of it you actually need and is a "protein bar" with 8 grams of protein actually a protein bar? *It's not. Protein: The Building Blocks of Life Well, actually that's DNA. But DNA tells the body what amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, to sequence to form proteins, making for every tissue in the human body. No protein means no muscle, bone, ligament, hair, skin, enzymes, hormones, Protein is Essential: "Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required … [Read more...]
Size Matters: How Your Muscle Does What it Does.
"That's What She Said" - Michael Scott What a way to start a science article, with dick jokes... Am I right? What the hell are we talking about? The Henneman Size Principle "The Size Principle of motoneuron recruitment stated that for any net excitatory input to the motoneuron pool, motoneurons were recruited in an orderly fashion, always from small to large." - Assessment of Size Ordered Recruitment Say Whaaaa? A quad isn't just a muscle. Well it is. But really a quad is a collection of motor units. Motor Unit: "A motor unit is a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates. It consists of both a neuron (nerve cell responsible for … [Read more...]
The War on Fat: Keep one In the Chamber
*Before I get started: this article is NOT meant for someone who has an appreciable amount of fat to lose. If you're 30% or more body NEED to go full on Tony Montana. At least for a little while. Pull out all the stops, up the cardio, cut the cals, etc. However, if you're in pretty good shape, but not as lean as you'd like to be, this is more up your alley. We need to all agree on ONE basic premise before we start. The body ADAPTS to the stress(ors) applied to it. That means, the body follows this model: General Adaption Syndrome So think of everything (stressor) that promotes fat loss is like a bullet in an old time … [Read more...]