The Fitness Pendulum Always Swings to the Extremes: Short Term, Everyone Overreacts. Long Term, Everyone Underreacts..... Rarely does the industry look at anything critically, simply on its merits and faults, weigh them and apply that tool as necessary. Case in point: Foam Rolling Lets take our way back machine to circa 2005. The foam roller took the fitness world by storm <----I know I'm being dramatic here, but it kinda is true. Everyone was using it, for everything.. Core Stretching To "break up scar tissue" <----I used to say that too. No, its not true. Hell, places were doing complete "classes" on foam rolling. Then the last 5 … [Read more...]
Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Yoga?
What Do You Think About Yoga? I think my back hurts... At First My Mind is All Like: "It's a really good thing that teaches calmness, focus, controlled breathing and body awareness." But My Mouth Goes (after I give it some thought): "You probably shouldn't do it." Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Why I don't recommend Yoga to most people. From my experience, Americanized yoga, what you'd probably be doing, is usually a real Sh@t fest. Full disclosure: I've NEVER taken a Yoga Class. For realzzzz I know you're mad right now. You're all like, "You're such a hypocrite, I like yoga. It's so kool. I've taught it for sooo long and it's awesome and I'm awesome and you … [Read more...]