NSCA National Conference 2019 Review After 13 years, back in the nations capital. That means no TSA cattle calls and pat downs for this gut! Fun story: The very 1st NSCA event I ever went to was the 2006 National Conference in Washington DC. I wasn't even certified, had just started working (ie I was super poor) and went for a single day (they used to have single day ticket). Highlight was Dr. Pearson handing out string before his presentation as a prop to demonstrate why hypertrophy is important. The string represents the muscle tissue. As you fold the string over onto itself that's the same as thickening of the muscle cell...ie muscle cell … [Read more...]
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference Review
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference The NSCA finally held one of their conferences in Baltimore... As with all things, there are pros and cons to this. I didn't have to get on a plane, pay for a hotel and spend a ridiculous amount to stuff my piehole stay fed. But I also didn't get a child-free mini vacation. #Adulting When I first got certified, circa 2006(ish) the National Strength and Conditioning Association had 2 major conferences each year. The National Conference The Personal Trainers Conference. In fact the first full. multi-day, NSCA event I ever went to was the PT conference in about 2007 or so. It was in Las Vegas. My … [Read more...]
2018 Coaches Conference Review
CEU's Everyone in the fitness world knows what CEU's are. They're those things that, much like a ninja, creep up on you silently then strike you down. For the uninitiated: CEU's= Continuing Education Units No matter the certification, you'll need em to keep it. CEU's are: Education: so you stay on top of your knowledge and skills and remain active in the community Revenue stream: for the certifying agency The 2015-17 NSCA Recertification Period: AKA My Time of Dying In the pre kid period, CEU's were of no consequence. I always had so many, so early it was just a matter of report them and send the money. Not So Fast My Friend Then kids … [Read more...]
Is Coaching Dead? AKA: Rise of the Machines!
Enter The Age of Technology: With explosion of athlete assessment tools in the last decade, everything from movement assessments (FMS), train-ability assessments (HRV), genetic assessments to immediate power output assessments (catapult) training variables and physiology can easily be measured. On the cheap and in, or almost in, real-time. When I first read about the Omegawave (HRV monitor), from Charlie Francis forums, the cheapest model was 10K. Now you can get a fairly reliable HRV app on that magic box that lives in your pocket for under $100, and that's the better ones out there. You can get a crappy one for FREE... These are all INCREDIBLY powerful … [Read more...]