"Have you Seen Game Changers?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSpglxHTJVM Yes, I have. Its a very good MOVIE. Lets get that straight, it's not really a documentary. Much like Westside vs The World It's a MOVIE. For entertainment purposes. It's not exactly an evenhanded, scientifically accurate, look at the world of the "Plant Based Diet" And by "Plant Based", those in the movie seem to mean Vegan or Vegetarian. TheIssue with These Types of Sciency Movies. You only know, what you know. Which also means, You don't know what you don't know. So the obvious question is, How do you KNOW if the STORY you're told is TRUE? Before I get into … [Read more...]
Processed Food: Are They Really Pure Evil?
"Don't Eat it if it Comes From a Box" How often do we hear that these days? What's so bad about food from a box anyway? Well, the nutritional zealots look at it this way: The response usually comes down to some variation of, "It's Processed Food" With headlines like these, Processed Food must be one Bad Hombre: Highly Processed Food Linked to Earlier Death Why Eating Processed Foods Might Make You Fat How Processed Foods Wreak Havoc On Your Health Could it be that we've finally found THE REASON 70% of Americans are overweight (this stat includes obese)? Processed Food: Satan For All Ages All the previous nutritional devils have fallen by … [Read more...]
Con-Men, Fear and Lifestyle Multilevel Marketing (MLM) ….
In College I took a FILM CLASS. Evidently, that qualifies as a "general elective" and makes you a liberal artist, or some BS. But the truth is, I learned a LOT. The one film that I really enjoyed was Elmer Gantry. Elmer is a traveling con-man who shows up in a small midwestern town and gets the people there to join the revivalist church. Long story short, he cons them into paying for salvation. A fire happens, burns down the church (its a giant tent), kills his lady (the purveyor of the church) and he leaves town quoting a great line from the Bible when asked what he's going to do next. What's Elmer Gantry Have to Do With Fitness? Elmer Gantry … [Read more...]
Weight Loss: What Works?
TV Weight Loss Gurus are Bullshit Artists. Watch any weight loss segment on TV or read any weight loss/ magic diet book and you'll hear the same story, "It's not your fault" followed with "Do THIS magic thing and you'll finally be everything you wanted". Just so we're all on the same page: THATS ALL BULLSHIT. #1. If You're Overweight, it's 100% YOUR FAULT That's a good thing. It means YOU have CONTROL over it. I know, it's not PC to say this these days, but think about the alternative. ie. Your weight isn't your fault. Then WTF do you do If your weight is out of your control? Hope, pray and just accept the fact that you're screwed? If it's your … [Read more...]
The Real Reasons You Cant Lose Weight
The REAL Reason(s) You Can't Lose Weight Last time we established It all comes down to energy balance. Calories In vs. Calories Out. Since the excuses you give yourself were eviscerated, here's what I've found as the most common weight loss/ weight gain culprits. *Except night time eating...last time I forgot about night time eating. Riddle me This Batman: If a Calorie is a Calorie is a Calorie at 8pm any different than a calorie at 8am? "Old perspectives for nighttime eating have been primarily based on populations of shift workers, night eating syndrome patients, and epidemiological data and suggest that the consumption of large mixed meals … [Read more...]
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference Review
2018 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference The NSCA finally held one of their conferences in Baltimore... As with all things, there are pros and cons to this. I didn't have to get on a plane, pay for a hotel and spend a ridiculous amount to stuff my piehole stay fed. But I also didn't get a child-free mini vacation. #Adulting When I first got certified, circa 2006(ish) the National Strength and Conditioning Association had 2 major conferences each year. The National Conference The Personal Trainers Conference. In fact the first full. multi-day, NSCA event I ever went to was the PT conference in about 2007 or so. It was in Las Vegas. My … [Read more...]
Wanting to Eat a Second Cupcake isn’t a Sugar Addiction..
Are We Addicted to Sugar? Unless you've been living under a rock or blissfully never listening to the fear box TV, you've probably heard that sugar is as, or more, addicting than "hard" drugs like cocaine and heroin. Study: Sugar Hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine "A junk food addiction is a lot more like a drug addiction than researchers previously thought. They now claim sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine." - ABC13 Houston Sugar = Heroin, How to Cut Your Addiction - Big Think Believe me, I have. In fact, it gets repeated to me on an almost daily basis. Usually in the form of, "I can't lose weight, I'm … [Read more...]