"Athletes Need Olympic Lifts for Power Development" From strong-athlete.com How many times have you heard that line? Probably a lot....The NSCA indoctrinates everyone with it.......and I used to repeat it.... Then I got educated, thought about it and realized...that's some dogmatic BS. First things first: What is Power? Other than A kick-ass magazine about all things STRONG.... It's a measure of work done over time. Power= Work/ Time So the faster you can do work...ie. create the displacement of an object relative to a fixed point, the more powerful you are. Ex. A. 225lbs bench for 3 reps in 3 seconds. B. 225lbs bench for 3 reps in 6 … [Read more...]
Is It a Keeper or Throw em’ Back?
There are NO new exercises. It's just new to you. TRX? Olympic rings have been around for....over a thousand years. Kettlebells? Only.....about 200 or so. Because of this exercises come and go in popularity and I've been around long enough to have been through an entire cycle of this. Case in point: The Olympic lifts from owresource.com When I first started training people the Olympic lifts were THE way to develop power and you saw the Clean and the Snatch included in popular fitness magazines and at conferences people had entire lectures about them. Then the pendulum swung the other way and NO ONE used the Olympic lifts anymore, they … [Read more...]