I Have NEVER Skied. Fun Fact: I train a whole bunch of skiers. More Fun(er) Fact: They don't need "Ski Specific" training to improve. People that sell you "sport specific" are often charlatans who don't actually know what sports specific means. And NO sport specific DOES NOT mean the movement kinda sorta LOOKS like the sporting movement. Sport Specific: For an exercise to be classified as "sport specific" it MUST, in the same motor regime, accurately replicate similar joint angle velocities as the sporting movement its self. Most Fun Fact: In my experience, the "training" most skiers (and weekend warriors as a whole) do, isn't training at all. It's … [Read more...]
“I Have TIght Hamstrings” Part 2: Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Last time we dealt with the dreaded No Ass Syndrome and how that can give you some tight hamstrings. This week we'll take on the most common culprit. No Core.... And the overactive, super tight quads that follow. I affectionally call this the Duck Butt, but the technical term is Anterior Pelvic Tilt from Cathedral Chiropractic Basically, the pelvis, the bowl of water is tipped forward. Before we get any farther, some degree of Anterior Pelvic Tilt is pretty common and can be considered "normal" posture. In fact anterior pelvic tilt is the most common postural adaptation in athletes: "The most commonly reported sport-specific postural adaptations of the … [Read more...]