Enter The Age of Technology: With explosion of athlete assessment tools in the last decade, everything from movement assessments (FMS), train-ability assessments (HRV), genetic assessments to immediate power output assessments (catapult) training variables and physiology can easily be measured. On the cheap and in, or almost in, real-time. When I first read about the Omegawave (HRV monitor), from Charlie Francis forums, the cheapest model was 10K. Now you can get a fairly reliable HRV app on that magic box that lives in your pocket for under $100, and that's the better ones out there. You can get a crappy one for FREE... These are all INCREDIBLY powerful … [Read more...]
Groundhog Day, Training, Bill Murray and Doing the Same Thing All the Time
Groundhog day, the Bill Murray movie, not the actual "holiday" that centers around Punxsutawney Phil, describes most gym goers workouts...... metaphorically speaking that is. Many people do, the same thing day after day. Basically they heard something, somewhere, and decided that X,Y,Z was the ticket and eventually, if they bang their head into the wall hard enough, a magical switch will take place and they'll be in great shape all of a sudden. Never mind that Albert Einstein guy: Think about it, how many people get on the treadmill everyday and run their ass off, at the same pace, in hopes of a better body but never get anywhere? Or worse that damn … [Read more...]
Dr. Verkhoshansky….
For a blog dedicated to training and more specifically sports training and sports science it would be a grave travesty if I didn't take the time to acknowledge the passing of Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky this passed weekend. Perhaps no one has been more influential in the development of sport science EVER than Dr. Verkhoshansky. From his bio (emphasis added): "Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky is predominantly known to most westerner readers as the Russian researcher who invented plyometric training (Shock Method). Many coaches and sport scientists around the world, however, recognize Y.Verkhoshansky as a prominent figure in the field of explosive strength training, one of the … [Read more...]