I talk a LOT about hip extension. ie butts. But(t) what about hip flexion? Well, it's SUPER important too. Don't We Get Enough Hip Flexion Already? Yes and No. Yes, we do live in a flexion heavy "culture". But(t) if you really think about it, there isn't a ton of true hip flexion that occurs. It's usually FAKE hip flexion. What's Fake Hip Flexion Look Like? Lumbar Flexion + Anterior Pelvic Tilt and usually combined with excessive knee flexion. It's not uncommon for someone to actually LACK hip flexion and substitute a rounding of the low back (bringing the belt buckle/ pelvis to the chin) instead of hip flexion. the shot on the left is … [Read more...]
“I Have Tight Hamstrings”, Part 1: No Ass Syndrome
"My Hamstrings Are Tight" Truth is, this is rarely the case. At least not in the way you think. *Quick Note: Some people DO have tight hamstrings. This has to do with the tendon length, muscle belly, past injury, origin and insertion points. Sometimes, when you put all these things together in the right combo, you DO, in fact have structurally"tight hamstrings". Most don't. What the Hell Do I Mean by Tight Hamstrings? Ummm they feel tight...right? But for real, TENSION. Lots of tension in the muscle, in the hamstring. That's usually what people mean when they use the term "tight". But the real question is, Tension When? I … [Read more...]