"Have you Seen Game Changers?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSpglxHTJVM Yes, I have. Its a very good MOVIE. Lets get that straight, it's not really a documentary. Much like Westside vs The World It's a MOVIE. For entertainment purposes. It's not exactly an evenhanded, scientifically accurate, look at the world of the "Plant Based Diet" And by "Plant Based", those in the movie seem to mean Vegan or Vegetarian. TheIssue with These Types of Sciency Movies. You only know, what you know. Which also means, You don't know what you don't know. So the obvious question is, How do you KNOW if the STORY you're told is TRUE? Before I get into … [Read more...]
A Calorie IS a Calorie, But The Food Isn’t the Same
"I Just Don't Believe All Calories Are The Same" Here's the thing CALORIES are the same. ALWAYS A calorie is just a unit of energy. "From a thermodynamic viewpoint, a calorie is of course a calorie. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed. Thus, the human body is constantly transforming energy—in this case, kilocalories—by combusting foodstuffs to produce heat." - Is A Calorie a Calorie? But food? Food with all of it's constituent parts, isn't just a uniform unit of energy. On the most basic level we know that per unit of mass (gram) carbs, proteins fats and alcohol all have … [Read more...]
Processed Food: Are They Really Pure Evil?
"Don't Eat it if it Comes From a Box" How often do we hear that these days? What's so bad about food from a box anyway? Well, the nutritional zealots look at it this way: The response usually comes down to some variation of, "It's Processed Food" With headlines like these, Processed Food must be one Bad Hombre: Highly Processed Food Linked to Earlier Death Why Eating Processed Foods Might Make You Fat How Processed Foods Wreak Havoc On Your Health Could it be that we've finally found THE REASON 70% of Americans are overweight (this stat includes obese)? Processed Food: Satan For All Ages All the previous nutritional devils have fallen by … [Read more...]
Protein: An Amno Acid Story
PROTEIN Protein is EVERYWHERE these days. But most folks don't know what it is, what the hell it even does, how much of it you actually need and is a "protein bar" with 8 grams of protein actually a protein bar? *It's not. Protein: The Building Blocks of Life Well, actually that's DNA. But DNA tells the body what amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, to sequence to form proteins, making for every tissue in the human body. No protein means no muscle, bone, ligament, hair, skin, enzymes, hormones, Protein is Essential: "Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required … [Read more...]
Fake News: Science and The Media, Part 1
*Be forewarned this is the first in a series of posts. There is literally NO TRANSITION from one to the next. The original post was about 7000 words and aint no body got time for that. So I chopped it up into readable bites. Literally I decided on what I thought were good points to rest and CUT and PASTE into the next post. So they do stop and start a bit abruptly, but you're smart and can handle it. The intention is to educate a bit on some science(y) type stuff you may not really understand so that you have the tools to be more mistrustful educated and skeptical about media driven science. So the next time you hear "A new study out today" from some mouthpiece on the … [Read more...]
Should I Have a Post Workout Shake?
One of the most common questions I get is: What Should I Eat After I Workout? And this really is my answer 99% of the time: Food...That's always good. It's what I like. The next question is: But what about post-workout bars, shakes and the all mighty ANABOLIC WINDOW? Don't I need to eat right after I workout? If I don't eat immediately wont I lose all my GAINZZ? Wont I shrivel up and die? How We Got Here: In the mid to late 90's workout nutrition became a "thing". It used to be, go workout and go eat and that was that. Then MetRx came to the forefront and basically created the workout nutrition market. Sure there were protein powders, desiccated … [Read more...]