Alternating Slider Pushups Last time I wrote about some of the characteristics good athletes displayed. Truly elite athletes are, in short, Masters of Movement I like to think about it as , "Good movers are analog, not digital." Good athletes intrinsically figure things out and make movement happen. It always looks smooth, controlled and purposeful. Skip to 6 minutes in an enjoy...THAT is movement mastery. Rarely looking like the rest of us they're on the struggle bus, trying to link motions together. "These results suggest that experts were able to focus on motor planning integrating visual information with … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Pushups on Handles
Want to hear some Bro Blasphemy? For most people, The Pushup Should be The FOUNDATION of Most Upper Body Pressing. Yes, the bench press can probably be loaded to a greater degree. Yes, the overhead press requires more "total body stability" But, from my perspective, the pushup is the foundational upper body pressing movement. Virtues of the Pushup: Trains the whole body. A well done pushup is just a "moving plank". Trains the rotator cuff: Rotator cuffs respond to compression and distraction. Pushups are compression. Closed Chain (unless they're suspended) so probably a bit safer/ easier on the shoulder. Pushups allow the scapula to move "freely" … [Read more...]
Pushup? Yeah, That Isn’t a Pushup…
Fun Fact: TV personalities, fitness celebrities, and hell, the Army, do miserable "make your eyes bleed" pushups. Here's how this goes: Starts at about 35 seconds... Then everyone in the audience claps and the people on stage go... "Ohhhh, you guys are so great!"... Starts at about 8 seconds..... But....Ummmmm, theses "Pushups"....well, they suck. Even "Army" or "Military" style pushups suck these days: Pic Stolen from Point is: There are LOTS of REALLY Sh@TTY pushups being passed off as good ones.... Sometimes the movement is just too difficult and someone lacks upper body and … [Read more...]