Want to hear some Bro Blasphemy? For most people, The Pushup Should be The FOUNDATION of Most Upper Body Pressing. Yes, the bench press can probably be loaded to a greater degree. Yes, the overhead press requires more "total body stability" But, from my perspective, the pushup is the foundational upper body pressing movement. Virtues of the Pushup: Trains the whole body. A well done pushup is just a "moving plank". Trains the rotator cuff: Rotator cuffs respond to compression and distraction. Pushups are compression. Closed Chain (unless they're suspended) so probably a bit safer/ easier on the shoulder. Pushups allow the scapula to move "freely" … [Read more...]
When Do we Squat, Bench and Deadlift? On How I Became a Giant Puss, and you Can Too.
"Dude WTF happened to you? When did you become such a pussy? So none of your clients Squat, Bench or Deadlift anymore? You've got to be kidding me?" "Isn't it hypocritical to post videos of you doing those things on Instagram and then come out against them?" I got that from a few friends and occasional lifting partners from the last 10 years after I put these gems out: I Actually Prefer Single Leg Deadlifts For Most of my Clients. Switch exclusively to pushups. and I posted this, Why We Don't Squat?- Mike Boyle on my Facebook page (go "Like it") and agreed with the conclusion, Traditional Style, Bar on The Back, Squats, are Unnecessary for Most Lifters So, … [Read more...]
Doing it Better: The Push-up
Know what every guy in every gym does on every Monday? He benches.... Monday is basically National Bench Press Day every week all year.... The funny thing is that all these 200lbs guys and their 225lbs benches, which they think is really good cause "they do it at the combine" can't do 20 good pushups. Which is a shame because pushups, in a lot of respects, are actually a much better exercise. Here's some of the awesomeness of pushups: Core activation Serratus activation Safe on the rotator cuff The scapula get to move naturally (small upward rotation) Self limiting i.e. hard to get hurt Thoracic extension Take note: all of the above only … [Read more...]