Nordic Quads Three words that strike fear into the heart of any client..... Glute Ham Raise... this shit is INSANE, they ain't that easy... Tyreek Hill runs VERY fast. His hamstrings are VERY strong, eccentrically/ concentrically, repeatedly, huh... "subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability." - Sprint Acceleration Mechanics: The Major Role of Hamstrings in Horizontal Force Production just saying. Usually GHR's look more like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Kettlebell Swing
"If you could only do one exercise what would it be?" I seriously HATE that question. It instantly tells me that whoever is asking it is SUPER lazy. Why? Because why would you only do one exercise when you can do ANY and ALL of them? BUT If there was only one exercise I could do it might, MIGHT be the kettlebell swing. Why? Mostly cause it's boss as all hell. Other than that, it's probably the best example of highly user friendly, easily applicable, total body, explosive strength. "Strength and conditioning professionals may use both kettlebell swings and explosive deadlifts to increase deadlift strength and vertical jump power." - Effects of … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Front Rack Reverse Lunge
No quippy, I'd like to think, witty, intro to this one. The Front Rack Reverse Lunge, it's a bitch boss exercise. If you do it, it'll make you better That should be enough. But I have to find something semi-interesting long winded to say I guess, so here goes. Why Reverse Lunge in The First Place: Easier on The Knees: Initiating the movement by sitting back into the hips activates the musculature around the hips (glutes, hams etc) preferentially. This means you're FAR less likely to ram the femur into the kneecap (you can, it's just much more difficult than in forward lunges). Initiating into the hip also helps to lessen the chances of a … [Read more...]
You Should Do this: Kettlebell Figure 8
These are Kinda BRUTAL Like they can get really hard, really fast... Hard Where? Hard All Over. This exercise was popular for a minute a few years ago, but you don't hear about it much anymore. I guess cause it's kinda F-ing hard, takes your breath away, makes your whole body burn and you sweat instantly. Why Do Kettlebell Figure 8's? Cause they hit EVERYTHING at once. Literally: Core (all of it) Upper Back Shoulders Quads Hamstrings Glutes They all get hit pretty hard. Why Else (the Real, Real Reason I use them): The Kettlebell Figure 8 (when done correctly ie. not all slop city) forces you to CONTROL movement, in an ATHLETIC … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squat
Q: Why do Double Kettlebell Racked Front Squats? A: Cause you hate yourself.... Personal Opinion: These are the hardest F-ing Skwaats in the world. And they might be the best. This is paraphrased: These FORCE you to "lock down" the core in a way that no other squat does. And in a world full of duck butt lumbar hyperextension/ overarching and butt wink these are one of the best instant remedies for BOTH of those. Why? Cause to handle the bells well you MUST stay in a perfect NEUTRAL spinal position which means the core is 100% activated and acting as a corset... You know, the way the core is meant to work? Because you're spine and pelvis are … [Read more...]