Plank Row Know how I kinda harp on: Posterior Chain You can never have enough Ass, Abs and Upper Back Lats are core Today we're going to beat #3 to death, again... Lats Are Core First things first, the "lats" cover a HUGE swath of the body: "Latissimus dorsi is a unique muscle in terms of its anatomical design. It is a relatively thin, fan-shaped muscle, and is one of the largest in the body in surface area, covering a significant portion of the back. It assumes widespread medial attachments to the spinous processes of the lower six thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, and sacrum, as well as to the ilium via the thoracolumbar … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Plank Row
June 24, 2020 by Roy:
Filed Under: training articles, You Should Do This Tagged With: Core, Lats, plank row, Real Row, renegade row, spine stabilization, trunk
Exercises You Should Do:
March 13, 2013 by Roy:

Here are 3 somewhat unconventional exercises that would be well worth your time to include in a program. One Arm Floor Press: Upper Chest Builder Extraordinaire This exercise DESTROYS your upper chest more so than just about any other pressing exercise. Key Points: At Set Up: Legs Straight out, knees flat. Press your heels into the ground. Shoulders "packed" pinched together and pulled down(chest up). Push the "open" elbow into the ground. Crush the dumbbell. Forearm straight at start, elbow at 90 degrees. Pressing: Drive the shoulders down Press OVER the chest No Rotating On the Way Down: Soft … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Program design, training articles, Uncategorized Tagged With: Glute Training, One Arm Floor Press, Real Row, Reverse Slider Lunge, Unilateral training, Upper Chest training