The Fitness Pendulum Always Swings to the Extremes: Short Term, Everyone Overreacts. Long Term, Everyone Underreacts..... Rarely does the industry look at anything critically, simply on its merits and faults, weigh them and apply that tool as necessary. Case in point: Foam Rolling Lets take our way back machine to circa 2005. The foam roller took the fitness world by storm <----I know I'm being dramatic here, but it kinda is true. Everyone was using it, for everything.. Core Stretching To "break up scar tissue" <----I used to say that too. No, its not true. Hell, places were doing complete "classes" on foam rolling. Then the last 5 … [Read more...]
If You Can’t Recover, You Can’t Improve
"At Some Point in the Training Process it is Necessary for Recovery to Become a Training Modality"- Buddy Morris Recovery, what is it? According to Google: "a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength." Google, Recovery or for the nerds: "One definition of recovery is as follows: “Mostly, recovery is defined as the compensation of deficit states of an organism (e.g., failure or decrease in performance and, according to the homeostatic principle, a reestablishment of the initial state.” - William Sands Recovery = a "return to normal" , a "reestablishment of the initial state" But wait, what? Isn't the point of this whole training thing to improve? To … [Read more...]
With Age Comes Wisdom…..
Or so they say.... Stoled it from Bluemoonblog Now that I've been on this earth for a third of a decade I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two. So in honor of getting old(er) here's some things I think I've learned about my fitness: 1. I can't do at 33 what I could do at 23. My workouts even 2 years ago were much "more" than they are today. More volume, more intensity....more of everything. What I've learned is that my recovery just isn't what it used to be and I need to be more mindful of that. I used to feel "beat up" most of the week. Despite less sleep and a boatload more stressors, backing off a little has helped my recovery immensely. I … [Read more...]