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Wired or Tired, why your nervous system is screwing you up……
Stress...everybody has it. Doesn't matter who you are and what you do, you have stress in your life. What is important is to manage stress as best as possible. The catch 22 is that ALL things are they cause a response through the nervous system. All inputs cause a reaction in the Central Nervous System or CNS. The nervous system is the main controlling and communicating system of the body. Every thing we do, feel and think consciously or unconsciously is directed by the nervous system. The communication between the nervous system and the body is through electrical and chemical signals that move rapidly and to specific areas allowing for … [Read more...]
Achievement, 10,000 hours, Grit and why you’re not a pro athlete…..
First things first: the best predictor of lifetime sporting achievement is your parents. Genetics matter, a lot. the talent pool at the truly world-class level is deep and wide. Those without the basic prerequisites, height, size, strength, speed etc. will not make the cut. [Tweet "Just trying hard doesn't get you a $120 million dollar contract."] That said, practice can go a long way to getting the most out of the abilities you do have. the old Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. has a lot of truth to it...but lets face it there are not too many 5'6 point guards in the NBA or 5.5 second 40yrd dash guys playing cornerback in the … [Read more...]