So ya got ya some "Resolutions" Resolutions Defined: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Things like: Eat better Exercise more Read more Listen more Be a better (insert: father, husband, wife, friend) Sleep more Sleep less Be more present But lets face it, it's all bullsh@t and you know it. I don't want to be the buzzkill in the room but your resolutions are gonna fail. Don't get mad at me, get mad at all the failed resolutions made each year. Why Do We Fail Ourselves? It's really pretty simple. Does the calendar turning to Jan 1 fundamentally change who you are? It Doesn't. And that's why you fail. "it's … [Read more...]
One is Greater than Zero
As I've said before, I think, we have developed into an excuse based culture. Instead of finding a way, we've learned to look for a way out. In that vain.. We're one month into the new year. Hows that Exercise and Eat better resolution working for ya? If you're like a lot of people, it's not. You probably started strong but fell into the perfection trap. <---I made that term up, I think. Personally, I think the "perfection trap" is an excuse veiled as an actual reason. Kinda like the false sacrifice.. Here's how this works: "I'm going to work out for 60 minutes 5 times a week." And while motivation is high and you're prioritizing exercise, it works … [Read more...]
On Gym Etiquette and not Being “That Guy”.
You're Gonna Do It This Year. You're going to stop spending 25% of your day ingesting worthless, no low value infotainment at he the price of your health and wellbeing. [Tweet "It's ok, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney won't even know you're gone and they can keep up with themselves."] Hell, you made a New Years Resolution. Like that means anything. But sarcasm aside, this is what you're dealing with: It gets rough. Mostly cause it's like 10lbs of sh@t in a 5lbs bag, but partly cause there are lots of total A-holes out there. Here's your, New to the Whole Fitness Thing, survival guide. Lets start things off with the basics: Don't curl in the squat rack. This … [Read more...]