"I Think it's my Rotator Cuff" But it's usually not. It's usually the delt, maybe the biceps tendon, occasionally the lat, often the pec minor See there's a LOT of shit going on around the shoulder. That shoulder pain you're having, it's usually NOT the rotator cuff.... But sometimes it is and hearing the words, "Its your rotator cuff" Scares everyone. But a LOT of people actually have FULL THICKNESS rotator cuff tears, and they're fine. An astonishingly high rate of rotator cuff tears in patients with asymptomatic shoulders was thus demonstrated with increasing patient age. - Age-related prevalence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Chaos Carries
As if PROPERLY performed loaded carries aren't bad enough. Using a band as a handle takes them to a whole new level.... But Why Do Loaded Carries In the First Place? Loaded Carries might be the most "functional" exercise there is. I mean, ya pretty much gotta pick up and carry stuff all the time. *Or at least decently strong people have to pick up and carry things all the time. There are lots of people who don't pick up and carry things, you don't want to be those people, Those People DIE. "Perceived work ability in midlife was associated with mortality and disability in old age among blue-collar and white-collar employees. It is plausible … [Read more...]