Running can be really bad for you. It's roughly 1,500 steps in a mile.... Hello, overuse injury! Sh@t can literally scar your heart and kill you....I'm actually being serious here. But, that's the extreme, chances are you're just gonna go run a couple of miles a few times a week and be miserable tell people how awesome it is, but we all know that's a lie. Creds to Even the inspirational posters say it sucks..."It won't stop hurting"...???????? The only place where you'll see people running and having a good time are TV commercials and fitness magazines. When was the last time you actually saw someone running … [Read more...]
26.2 in the Books…..Now What? Part 2
You just ran.... A lot... Like 26 miles worth. The worst thing you can do is go run some more. A much better and sustainable approach is to fix your body up, recover and strengthen weak points before training for more self torture another marathon. If you haven't, read THIS first...then come right back. Week 4: NO, you still can't run.... Yes, you've probably lost some aerobic endurance....don't worry, it'll come back. In reality the training residuals from the marathon training are still strong so there is a chance you've lost nothing at all. If you've been doing what you're supposed to your body should be at least in the process of … [Read more...]
26 in the Books….. Now What? Part 1
Take a Break...... Seriously do (almost) nothing... Last Saturday was the Baltimore Running Festival....known to most of us as the Baltimore Marathon and a LOT of people participated in some form. If you're already a runner or in pretty good shape and just did a leg of the team relay you're OK to get back to training, but if you did the half or whole marathon you should do yourself a favor and take some downtime. I know runners don't like to hear that because they live in some irrational, fear- based alternate universe (don't we all) where after 6 months of intensive training, taking the next 4 weeks off from running, notice I said "running" NOT all activity, … [Read more...]
Running…….It still sucks, but not as much I guess
Before I pontificate.. BIG hat tip to Women's Health Magazine (the .com version)....for the most part they post really good info on this site... Today on my internet perusal of information, yeah, you have to do that whole "learn EVERYDAY thing" to stay relevant in this business, I came across this article.. Out Run Your Genes participants who pounded more pavement than their siblings were more likely to have a lower BMI, having dropped by 58.8% for women and 29.6% for men.- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Looks like running, at least on some level, can help fight that whole, "it's my fat genes".... It's pretty brilliant actually. [Tweet "You … [Read more...]