"Pack Yo Scaps!" We know the back is important. Lats are super important. But what about the upper back? That area over/ around and in between the scapula? "If You Want Healthy Shoulders You Need a Strong Upper Back" - Matt Wenning What's my most prescribed exercise? Band Pull-Aparts An upper back exercise. Literally EVERY client I train is performing some form of the band pull-apart in every workout. Why? Well, we ALL need more upper back. Desk Jockey Syndrome Living in a hunched over/ flexed forward anterior based world has left us, as a population, devoid of rear delts, mid traps, rhomboids and scapula control. Why's The … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: X- Band Walks
Gym Class Warm Up, Circa 1995: "Ok Guys, we're gonna warm up with some of these, some of those, a couple stretches and get the balls out and shoot some hoops" That's right a "warm up" used to be run a couple laps, then stretch and you were not impervious to injury. I'm gonna lay some real sciency shit on you, That's Not Really How "Injury Prevention" Works. In fact, that approach might actually be WORSE, than doing nothing. But, as far as warmups go, the "sum a deese, sum a dats" approach is probably neutral at best. Dynamic Warmups By about 2002-03(ish) it pretty much industry standard that a "dynamic warmup", one where you were do "dynamic"/ … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Banded Hand Walks
"I Think it's my Rotator Cuff" But it's usually not. It's usually the delt, maybe the biceps tendon, occasionally the lat, often the pec minor See there's a LOT of shit going on around the shoulder. That shoulder pain you're having, it's usually NOT the rotator cuff.... But sometimes it is and hearing the words, "Its your rotator cuff" Scares everyone. But a LOT of people actually have FULL THICKNESS rotator cuff tears, and they're fine. An astonishingly high rate of rotator cuff tears in patients with asymptomatic shoulders was thus demonstrated with increasing patient age. - Age-related prevalence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Miniband Rowing External Rotation
One of my favorite movies ever is The Original Kings of Comedy. Just so we're all on the same page, this is in no way conceivable, safe for work. There's bad words, it's not P.C., its sexist, racist, misogynist and every other "ist". But funny as all hell. So put some headphones on..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC9dwR_islU One the best bits is DL Hugley talking about his kids. Basically the bit talks about having a "shitty day". Kids REALLY have shitty days, cause, well, they shit their pants.... Kid: Daddy, my butt's itchy Dad: Sure is son, cause its chock full of Sh@t... That's kinda how I feel when I hear, Client: Roy, my … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
Can you pinch your shoulder blades together? No, Your WHOLE shoulder blades...top to bottom, equally, so they are relatively flat against each other in the back? If it's just the top portion and you look like this: Nahhhh, man, no good. It should look like this: Can't do that? Don't worry, you're not alone. Sit like a sack of shit Desk Jockey all day and you're not going to have very much of the stand ya up muscles. Truth is: "You Can Never Have Too Much Ass, Abs or Upper Back" Most folks have sh@tty upper back development and scapula movement. Annnnd it's a wonder why we have so many neck and shoulder issues.... Am I Right???? So We Should … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Pullaparts
The 4 exercises that, I think I program for literally every single client. 1) Cat Camel Stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxCDP4IzxVs 2) Quadruped Thoracic Rotations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4XAD8N8DH0 3) Glute Bridges: https://youtu.be/MwNP1Ure28Q 4) Band PullAparts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haXhpH20eFc All 4 address "posture" deficiencies more than anything. In an era of perpetual flexed forward, shoulders rounded forward, desk jockey syndrome we need some more upper back to help PULL and HOLD us up. Besides, I was once told you can never have too much ass, abs and upper back. Band PullAparts 101: Stand tall: … [Read more...]