Dying to Win? Common misconception "normal people" have about bodybuilding and powerlifting: These activities are "good" for your health. Common misconception "normal people" have about bodybuilders and (some) powerlifters: They're the picture of perfect health. Basically it goes something like this: "Those guys are in such great shape, they workout all the time how could they have any health issues?" Here's how: "Bodybuilding is an extreme sport; it involves pushing human capacity to its absolute limit. As an extreme sport bodybuilding carries with it a certain amount of risk." - The Healthy Bodybuilder Both are extreme sports. One … [Read more...]
Shelby Starnes is a Pussy…but being jacked is cool.
Yeah, he might be jacked: and yeah, he might have an encyclopedic knowledge of nutrition, be on the Q&A and have a log at EliteFTS.som...and yeah, he might help people get in sick shape super fast: and be really f-ing strong (just read the log).....but he's still a pussy. Here's the proof, (in regards to lat pulldowns), "I always wear straps. If that makes me a pussy, that is fine."- Lean Gain Principles pg. 33 ....proof positive Mr. Starnes you are a total puss...now turn in your man-card... Personal note: Shelby, please don't find me and pummel the shit out of me. K? Thanks. Shelby and Steve Colescott teamed up to write the Lean Gain … [Read more...]