"I Think it's my Rotator Cuff" But it's usually not. It's usually the delt, maybe the biceps tendon, occasionally the lat, often the pec minor See there's a LOT of shit going on around the shoulder. That shoulder pain you're having, it's usually NOT the rotator cuff.... But sometimes it is and hearing the words, "Its your rotator cuff" Scares everyone. But a LOT of people actually have FULL THICKNESS rotator cuff tears, and they're fine. An astonishingly high rate of rotator cuff tears in patients with asymptomatic shoulders was thus demonstrated with increasing patient age. - Age-related prevalence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Dumbbell Lateral Raise
It wasn't that long ago that all things "Bro" AKA Bodybuilding or hypertrophy or as it's often put, non-functional hypertrophy related were shunned.. Dumbbell flys, Bicep Curls, Lateral Raises and the like, all persona non grada. They were "small" single joint exercises that didn't deliver much "bang for your buck". And truth be told, as someone who preaches this, that philosophy is pretty much on point. Especially for the person who only has 2-3, 30-45 minute blocks to spend in the gym each week. If that's you, you're gonna get a LOT more outta "BIG" multi-joint lifts like Squats, Pushups, Bench Presses, and Deadlifts. But what if you've got more … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Snatch
The Band Snatch Is Super Cool and Neat-O The Band Snatch has two strengths: 1: It's easy on the shoulder joint for almost everyone. 2: It'll fry your shoulders in the process. All three heads, front, medial, rear delts will all get swoled up. Plus, I stole it from Shelby Starnes, and he's super jacked, so it must be good. You should do it. Checklist: Shoulders IN the joint, the whole time: NEVER Over-reach at the top: Once the shoulder joint is fully extended, that's it. Don't reach as far back as you CAN, reach to the end range of motion. Once the scapula are retracted and the upper arm (humerus) is centered, STOP! Just like … [Read more...]