Why do we swing our arms when we walk? This used to be one of the big questions in exercise physiology. The other was what's the limiting factor in oxygen utilization? O2 uptake at the muscles or O2 uptake at the lungs (the pressure across the alveolar membrane and red blood cell affinity for 02, etc) <----its this one, google anatomical dead space Circa 2009 we figured out why we swing our arms.... Swinging your arms while you walk: Makes walking more "economical" Keeps us walking straight "The results showed that arm swinging, either normally or in the opposite direction, required little effort from the muscles. “Instead of being … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Row W/ Miniband Around Wrist
Han Solo and Chewbacca Penn and Teller Bill and Ted Wayne and Garth Mulder and Scully like all great combos the sum value of the system is greater than the individual value(s) of both parts combined. Somehow a great combination makes 120% where only 100% should exist. The TRX Row With Miniband Around the Wrists is no exception. Most combination exercises suck because one of the exercises isn't really challenged at all. In things like lunge into biceps curl or Deadlift into shoulder press, half of the movement is basically just going through the motions. This isn't that because really, you're not combining exercises, you're just adding a … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Farmers Carry
What's the Most Functional Exercise You Can Do? Probably picking sh@t up and carrying it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzu5JraS9kM really great tutorial and variations, def worth the watch We just went over this a few weeks ago...You Should Do This: Chaos Carries But, I've kinda, sorta noticed that not only have Farmers Carries become more popular but they're often absolutely brutalized. Most People do Farmers Carry's Like a Wet Noodle. I don't know how this became a thing but more and more the bells or worse the PERSON is waving in the wind while "performing" the exercise. Maybe it comes from seeing things like the Worlds Strongest Man on TV. Or … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Miniband Rowing External Rotation
One of my favorite movies ever is The Original Kings of Comedy. Just so we're all on the same page, this is in no way conceivable, safe for work. There's bad words, it's not P.C., its sexist, racist, misogynist and every other "ist". But funny as all hell. So put some headphones on..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC9dwR_islU One the best bits is DL Hugley talking about his kids. Basically the bit talks about having a "shitty day". Kids REALLY have shitty days, cause, well, they shit their pants.... Kid: Daddy, my butt's itchy Dad: Sure is son, cause its chock full of Sh@t... That's kinda how I feel when I hear, Client: Roy, my … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Chaos Carries
As if PROPERLY performed loaded carries aren't bad enough. Using a band as a handle takes them to a whole new level.... But Why Do Loaded Carries In the First Place? Loaded Carries might be the most "functional" exercise there is. I mean, ya pretty much gotta pick up and carry stuff all the time. *Or at least decently strong people have to pick up and carry things all the time. There are lots of people who don't pick up and carry things, you don't want to be those people, Those People DIE. "Perceived work ability in midlife was associated with mortality and disability in old age among blue-collar and white-collar employees. It is plausible … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Snatch
The Band Snatch Is Super Cool and Neat-O The Band Snatch has two strengths: 1: It's easy on the shoulder joint for almost everyone. 2: It'll fry your shoulders in the process. All three heads, front, medial, rear delts will all get swoled up. Plus, I stole it from Shelby Starnes, and he's super jacked, so it must be good. You should do it. Checklist: Shoulders IN the joint, the whole time: NEVER Over-reach at the top: Once the shoulder joint is fully extended, that's it. Don't reach as far back as you CAN, reach to the end range of motion. Once the scapula are retracted and the upper arm (humerus) is centered, STOP! Just like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Band Pullaparts
The 4 exercises that, I think I program for literally every single client. 1) Cat Camel Stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxCDP4IzxVs 2) Quadruped Thoracic Rotations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4XAD8N8DH0 3) Glute Bridges: https://youtu.be/MwNP1Ure28Q 4) Band PullAparts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haXhpH20eFc All 4 address "posture" deficiencies more than anything. In an era of perpetual flexed forward, shoulders rounded forward, desk jockey syndrome we need some more upper back to help PULL and HOLD us up. Besides, I was once told you can never have too much ass, abs and upper back. Band PullAparts 101: Stand tall: … [Read more...]
Doing it Better: Shoulder Pressing
You Probably Shouldn't be Overhead Pressing... Super Strong...but serious Lumbar Compensation here. I allow only about 10% of my clients to overhead press, and even then it's limited. That means 90% are foreboden from ever putting a weight over their head. Jim Wendler and Mark Rippetoe be damned. Fact is the vast, vast, vast majority of people I've trained should NOT overhead press for one or many of a variety of reasons: Lack of subacromial space. Poor humeral/ scapular rhythm (scapular depression). Poor Thoracic extension. In my experience most people (Not ALL, jackass) just can't overhead press correctly without grinding tissues down and creating … [Read more...]