Want to hear some Bro Blasphemy? For most people, The Pushup Should be The FOUNDATION of Most Upper Body Pressing. Yes, the bench press can probably be loaded to a greater degree. Yes, the overhead press requires more "total body stability" But, from my perspective, the pushup is the foundational upper body pressing movement. Virtues of the Pushup: Trains the whole body. A well done pushup is just a "moving plank". Trains the rotator cuff: Rotator cuffs respond to compression and distraction. Pushups are compression. Closed Chain (unless they're suspended) so probably a bit safer/ easier on the shoulder. Pushups allow the scapula to move "freely" … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Row W/ Miniband Around Wrist
Han Solo and Chewbacca Penn and Teller Bill and Ted Wayne and Garth Mulder and Scully like all great combos the sum value of the system is greater than the individual value(s) of both parts combined. Somehow a great combination makes 120% where only 100% should exist. The TRX Row With Miniband Around the Wrists is no exception. Most combination exercises suck because one of the exercises isn't really challenged at all. In things like lunge into biceps curl or Deadlift into shoulder press, half of the movement is basically just going through the motions. This isn't that because really, you're not combining exercises, you're just adding a … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Plate Raise
"Tight is Right, Right is Tight" - I say that Often. What does it mean? Get tight, create tension, don't allow the body to rock, move, lean, bend etc with each rep. Motion should only occur at the joints where we INTEND for motion to take place. The Cylinder Position The "cylinder" position and neutral spine are one and the same. The Ribs and Hips should be in a neutral, stacked, position. This creates a "cylinder", stacking the spine in proper alignment and helping the core to activate properly and lock not only the spine but with correct foot pressure, the whole body. The cylinder position allows the: Core to activate and stiffen … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Half Kneeling Corner Press
Fun "Fact" (actually its an "informed opinion" based on the personal experience of yours truly: The Vast Majority of People Should NOT Overhead Press. Not everyone, not all, but most. Wait But What? "The Shoulder Press is A Foundational Movement" I agree, its great when done correctly. It strengthens the shoulders, triceps, upper chest and core, strong enough, even the legs. But most can't do them correctly. Don't believe me? Walk by just about any group exercise class doing shoulder pressing and you'll see: Overarched backs The weight out in front of the body Elbows out at 90 degrees only using 50% range of motion. Most people … [Read more...]
Sloppy Shoulders and Bad Rows
Or How to Get a Funcked up Rotator Cuff. Or The Approximation Monologues. Or Just Keep Your Damn Shoulders in the Joint....Damn it. Shoulders are really very complex. The shoulder joint isn't actually one "shoulder" joint. It's 3: Sternoclavicular: Where the sternum and clavicle come together Acromioclavicular: Where the acromion and clavicle come together Glenohumeral: Where the humerus fits/articulates into the glenoid fossa. Because of this the shoulder joint has a lot of movement, as in The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint on the human body. This means it's also a lot like Charlie Sheen on drugs, not just awesome, but … [Read more...]