CrossFit didn't invent the sled. But they sure as hell made it popular. I first heard about sled dragging from reading ancient T-Nation and Westside articles. Like most things "strength" today, Louie and the guys at Westside were dragging sleds LONG before just about anyone else. It seemed like any problem you had: Fat Out of Shape Weak You'd get the "shakes" when you would get under a squat bar All of these things were,cured by copious amounts of sled dragging, according to this mad man: This is NSFW I still don't know how the hell dragging a sled, no matter how much weight is on it, can stop you from shaking … [Read more...]
Yes, I Do Cardio AKA The Heart is a Dumb Muscle
The heart only knows one thing: How much stress the body is under. That's it, nothing more. It's only responding and adapting to the signal(s) its given. So think about it.... Do you really need to do this [insert miserable cardio modality here] ???? The answer is no. The ONLY THING YOU NEED TO DO IS MANIPULATE YOUR HEART RATE TO GET THE DESIRED RESPONSE. The modality you use is of no consequence. What's that got to do with anything? Well, a lot of my peeps ask me, Do You Do Cardio? Yes, I try to get it in 2 times a week. I primarily use "cardio" to improve cardiac output and recovery. I'm not trying to push my max heart rate, or … [Read more...]