Glutes Are Core Lets face it, we could all use a little bit more of both. And the truth is, glutes ARE core. But Roy, "I thought only abs are core." Abzzz are core, but so are glutes. How Are Glutes Core? Abs are primarily meant to STOP motion through the lumbar spine/ "core". The problem with this is that the abs work best when the spine is in neutral. We also call this the Cylinder or Neutral Scissor Position Neutral spine is RELIANT on a neutral pelvis... Wait But What? Yeah, the sacrum, the last segment OF YOUR SPINE is integrated with your pelvis. INTEGRATED, as in, it's the middle segment. You literally can't build a pelvis … [Read more...]
Train Yo’ Core Right….
This is Bad......Like REAL bad.....Like OMG DO NOT do this, bad. STOP DOING CRUNCHES, SITUPS and TWISTING MOVEMENTS! They're destroying your spinal discs and either leading to back pain or setting you up for pain in the future. The "Core" is meant to work as a corset around the quite unstable lumbar (low back) spine providing a "bracing" effect to transfer force though the hips and or shoulders. The Lumbar Spine is not meant to be a loose, unstable, creator of motion no matter what you're trainer, doctor or yoga instructor says.... If you need a more in-depth explanation just go here, here or here... What you should do: Focus on making the "Core" a … [Read more...]