Your Thoracic Mobility Probably Sucks. I don't care if you have the worlds most ergonomic chair, desk setup, a standing desk and one of those bra looking posture things. Your thoracic mobility probably sucks. We sit, slouched over, Stand, slouched over, And generally live life, slouched over. And since, "tissues respond and adapt along the lines of stress applied" We end up....slouched over. But there's good news. We can make it better. Why's Thoracic Mobility Matter Anyway? Welp, this guy, subscribes to the joint-by- joint approach. The short version of which is: the joints of the body alternate needing mobility and … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Snatch Grip RDL
Deadlifts are Cool Again. Wasn't too long ago they weren't. But they are now, and in 3-5 years, they wont be again. How Do I Know This? I watch people do them on the reg and just because you picked it up off the ground, doesn't make it a good deadlift. "It's Not a Deadlift That Hurt Your Back. It's What YOU Did, and Called a Deadlift, That Hurt Your Back" Here's the common deadlift issues I see. <----yes, they usually all go together. Arches collapsed Knees Collapsed Hips posteriorly tilted Low back rounded Thoracic spine rounded Shoulders out of the joint Reaching for the weight Knees driving forward (and in) Why Do … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Rotational Side Plank
Obliques, Might be the most Important Core Muscle. But then again, that's kinda like saying, "If you can only do one exercises which would you do?" Well, I can do ALL exercises, so how's about's I just choose the one that best fits the job at hand. Thanks.. Cause really all core muscles are VERY important. But obliques, "Tie the ribcage to the hips" - Kelly Starett. Wait, But What? Think about it. Here's the functional description of the obliques: The external and internal oblique muscles rotate and side bend the trunk. These muscles also contribute to spinal stability.......Acting alone, the external oblique can flex the trunk, side bend the torso … [Read more...]