Admittedly, I like the NFL combine. Not as much as I used to but I still think it's kinda cool to watch. These guys are absolute freaks of nature and even a "poor" performance by them is an outstanding performance by 99% of people. Plus it's nice to see what these guys can actually do. Too often during college football games we hear that kid A squats 500lbs and kid B benches 450...Do these numbers happen? YES! They just don't happen for 3-5 players on every team...Let's face it, coaches lie to media. Ever seen a media guide with accurate heights and weights? ......Neither have I. Many strength coaches are notorious for lax standards on testing and report … [Read more...]
Surprise!!!! And maybe it didn’t have to be like this…..
Paula Deen Has Type Two Diabetes- Us Weekly via Yahoo news. I feel bad for her... I mean, that sucks balls and all, she seems like a genuinely nice person and her food looks awesome but seriously, who didn't see this one coming? When Al Roker repeatedly asked Deen if her diagnosis was a direct result of her butter-rich diet, she admitted that it's "part of the puzzle" but not the only factor. A "part of the puzzle"? I guess she didn't specify how big of a "part" so she's right....At least it looks like she's trying to deal with this and not just pull a, "oh well, guess that's how it goes".... But this quote was awesome; "] a few years ago: 'Honey, I'm … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Plyometrics
Earlier this week I had a discussion with one of the better, for sake of a better word let use, "athletes" at work.... He's early to mid 30's in really good shape and ran track in college, now he's part of a special campus security team. He asked me about "plyometric" workouts..... I knew it was going to be bad.... It was he had gotten a workout off of the interwebzzz that called for 3 sets of 3 exercises for sets of 10-12 each..... plyo's are NOT body building...nor should we use the DeLorme method. It just ain't right....plyometrics are about speed and power. So this is the basics of what I told him: First off 99% of what people call plyometric is … [Read more...]
Dan Pfaff Speaks!
There are a LOT of fake Yoda's out there pushing the training system of the minute. Then there are guys like Dan Pfaff...oh you know, they've actually DONE IT in the field of sport performance...ohhhh, those guys. These videos are really enlightening....HUGE double hat tip..Ben Bruno for linking to Patrick Ward. Too many people are not listening to coaches like this and are listening to the internet asshat of the minute... … [Read more...]
Achievement, 10,000 hours, Grit and why you’re not a pro athlete…..
First things first: the best predictor of lifetime sporting achievement is your parents. Genetics matter, a lot. the talent pool at the truly world-class level is deep and wide. Those without the basic prerequisites, height, size, strength, speed etc. will not make the cut. [Tweet "Just trying hard doesn't get you a $120 million dollar contract."] That said, practice can go a long way to getting the most out of the abilities you do have. the old Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. has a lot of truth to it...but lets face it there are not too many 5'6 point guards in the NBA or 5.5 second 40yrd dash guys playing cornerback in the … [Read more...]
Holy Sh*t…Sport Science article on…Yahoo?
No really it's true... I thought is was BS at first but it's not. Yahoo sports ran a Grrrrrrrrrrrreat article about Usain Bolt and more so sprinting and running speed. Usain Bolt: A Case Study in Science of Sprinting- Jay Hart Hint: He's not fast because of "advanced training techniques" taught at the local "speed camp". Nor is it Under Armour 360 Combine training, HIT training, Crossfit or even 5/3/1.... Nope, not because of cones or parachutes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, bands or even chains......not even chains? Nope. It has more to do with Sir Issac Newton. Sprinting Speed= How much force exerted against ground and how long that … [Read more...]
Dr. Verkhoshansky….
For a blog dedicated to training and more specifically sports training and sports science it would be a grave travesty if I didn't take the time to acknowledge the passing of Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky this passed weekend. Perhaps no one has been more influential in the development of sport science EVER than Dr. Verkhoshansky. From his bio (emphasis added): "Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky is predominantly known to most westerner readers as the Russian researcher who invented plyometric training (Shock Method). Many coaches and sport scientists around the world, however, recognize Y.Verkhoshansky as a prominent figure in the field of explosive strength training, one of the … [Read more...]