Nordic Quads Three words that strike fear into the heart of any client..... Glute Ham Raise... this shit is INSANE, they ain't that easy... Tyreek Hill runs VERY fast. His hamstrings are VERY strong, eccentrically/ concentrically, repeatedly, huh... "subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability." - Sprint Acceleration Mechanics: The Major Role of Hamstrings in Horizontal Force Production just saying. Usually GHR's look more like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Nordic Quads
May 28, 2020 by Roy:
Filed Under: sports science, training articles, You Should Do This Tagged With: GHR, glute ham raise, hamstrings, knees, Nordic hamstring curls, nordic quads, quads, reverse nordic curl, sprint, Sprinting
You Should Do This: Hamstring Slider Curls
March 13, 2018 by Roy:

I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear... You Have a Weak Core, Ass and Hamstrings... Just kidding, you read this blog enough to know that already. The Posterior Chain: Essentially its all the muscles on the back of the body. Calves Hamstrings Glutes Spinal Errectors Lats Rhomboids Traps Rear Delts Traps Triceps Its important and its usually chronically under trained. Fun Fact: Go find the guy in the gym with a big hard ass and a thick heavy yoke (upper back and shoulders) and I'm gonna bet you he's a strong mutha that can lift some serious stuff. Hamstrings and Glutes, A Match Made in Heaven: Hamstrings … [Read more...]
Filed Under: sports science, training articles, You Should Do This Tagged With: Core, glute, Glutes, hamstring, hamstring curls, hamstring slider curls, hamstring strain, hamstrings, hip extension, hip stability, pelvic stability, sprint, Sprinting