Nordic Quads Three words that strike fear into the heart of any client..... Glute Ham Raise... this shit is INSANE, they ain't that easy... Tyreek Hill runs VERY fast. His hamstrings are VERY strong, eccentrically/ concentrically, repeatedly, huh... "subjects who produced the greatest amount of horizontal force were both able to highly activate their hamstring muscles just before ground contact and present high eccentric hamstring peak torque capability." - Sprint Acceleration Mechanics: The Major Role of Hamstrings in Horizontal Force Production just saying. Usually GHR's look more like … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: TRX Hamstring Curl
Pop Quiz: What's the Function of the Hamstring? Everyone gets: Knee Flexion. Everyone forgets: Hip Extension That's right, the hamstring(s) (3 of the 4) cross 2 joints. The Semitendinosus, and both heads of the Biceps Femoris (long and short) cross both the knee and the hip. So What the Hell Does That do With What? This means the hamstrings are not only involved in knee flexion, bending your knee, bringing the heel to the butt, like in a seated hamstring curl. The hamstrings are also a player (albeit should be secondary to our old friends the glutes) in hip extension. "The hamstrings have a large moment arm for hip extension, making them a key … [Read more...]
Its Working Out, But it Ain’t Doing Sh@t For Your Game.
Training is Exercise With Performance Outcomes in Mind.... Working out is Exercise With Health Outcomes in Mind.... From a distance they look the same, but there is actually a world of difference. Here's the truth: 95% of people WORK OUT. And that's ok, hell, its probably preferable. It's a good thing to be in good health, and "fit" and feel good about yourself, able to walk up stairs without the need for a timeout, straight O2, or a good jolt from an AED. But it's not the end goal of TRAINING. <----hopefully its a nice fringe benefit Training is exercise that is FOR something, an event, sport, activity. Don't be fooled by frequency, volume, … [Read more...]
Is Coaching Dead? AKA: Rise of the Machines!
Enter The Age of Technology: With explosion of athlete assessment tools in the last decade, everything from movement assessments (FMS), train-ability assessments (HRV), genetic assessments to immediate power output assessments (catapult) training variables and physiology can easily be measured. On the cheap and in, or almost in, real-time. When I first read about the Omegawave (HRV monitor), from Charlie Francis forums, the cheapest model was 10K. Now you can get a fairly reliable HRV app on that magic box that lives in your pocket for under $100, and that's the better ones out there. You can get a crappy one for FREE... These are all INCREDIBLY powerful … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Charlie Francis Training System
Charlie Francis reached the peak of his coaching career when his athlete won a gold medal in the 100 meters at the 1988 Summer Olympics. THE single most highly regarded achievement in the world of sports among physical preparation coaches. Why? Cause everybody runs...and the guy who wins the 100 at the Olympics is, THE FASTEST MAN IN THE WORLD and that sh@t matters. Problem was that athlete was Ben Johnson.....yeah, THAT, Ben Johnson. The one who got disqualified for steroid use. So now you're all like, "How is he so great? His athletes used steroids and steroids are evil tools of cheaters. Righteous, virgin athletes like Lance Armstrong, Arnold … [Read more...]
Holy Sh*t…Sport Science article on…Yahoo?
No really it's true... I thought is was BS at first but it's not. Yahoo sports ran a Grrrrrrrrrrrreat article about Usain Bolt and more so sprinting and running speed. Usain Bolt: A Case Study in Science of Sprinting- Jay Hart Hint: He's not fast because of "advanced training techniques" taught at the local "speed camp". Nor is it Under Armour 360 Combine training, HIT training, Crossfit or even 5/3/1.... Nope, not because of cones or parachutes, kettlebells, Bosu balls, bands or even chains......not even chains? Nope. It has more to do with Sir Issac Newton. Sprinting Speed= How much force exerted against ground and how long that … [Read more...]