Squatting is making a comeback in a BIG way. You don't hear as much of the, "Squatting destroys your knees, back, shoulders, etc" that you used to. And the squat racks at my gym are actually, predominantly, used for......wait for it.....wait for it....... Squatting Not curls. Which I think is: Awesome. Primarily the result of the influence and popularity CrossFit has gained. Fact is, before CrossFit was everywhere and everyone was hugging Rich Fronings nuts, which are probably 100% jacked. The rack was an empty, lonely, wonderful place reserved only for those with intestinal fortitude, pride and self-respect knowledge about how to train and … [Read more...]
Doing It Better: Spotting
You spot like a jackass Don't take it personal, you're just like everyone else cause they spot like a jackass too. Plain and simple, 99% of people spot wrong. Yes, even the guy at the gym who goes around not really lifting but spotting everyone: DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING... In reality there are only 3 ways to spot someone: At the wrists/ hands for dumbbells Around the ribcage/ chest for squatting At the middle of the bar #1. Spotting Dumbbells Ever seen this before? I know you have because that's how the vast majority of people think you're supposed to spot dumbbell exercises. Hell, some of the certifications even teach it that … [Read more...]
Why Everyone Learns to Squat
Virtually (not always if they don't stick around long enough) every client I train learns to squat. We're talking 90% or better, obviously I think it's important. So I was caught off guard a little this week when I got hit with this gem by a "fitness professional" none the less (paraphrasing): "You know, you should only have experienced athletes squat because it's bad for the back and knees and it's non functional. I went to a seminar and learned there's just too much spinal compression to justify using it." at first I was in disbelief for these reasons: I just met this person an hour before. they told me every fallacy attached to the exercise in 2 … [Read more...]