It's a universal truth. The easiest, quickest way for most people to feel and perform better is to get their ass in gear...literally, like, make it do something other than store Krispy Cremes. "for us, for athletes, glutes are everything -- the absolute epicenter and powerhouse of all athletic movement. It's all about the ass."- Mark Verstegen Simply put, the glutes are the most important muscle group in the body. "Maybe normal people don't discuss this all day long, but we sure do," says Titans quarterback Matt Hasselbeck. "Every strength coach I've ever been around, it's glute, glute, glute -- always, always, always. It's a broken record. I can't tell you how … [Read more...]
Why Everyone Learns to Squat
Virtually (not always if they don't stick around long enough) every client I train learns to squat. We're talking 90% or better, obviously I think it's important. So I was caught off guard a little this week when I got hit with this gem by a "fitness professional" none the less (paraphrasing): "You know, you should only have experienced athletes squat because it's bad for the back and knees and it's non functional. I went to a seminar and learned there's just too much spinal compression to justify using it." at first I was in disbelief for these reasons: I just met this person an hour before. they told me every fallacy attached to the exercise in 2 … [Read more...]
Beginners Suck…and it’s the “Trainers” Fault
While it's getting to the end of New Years resolution gym rush time, there are still some more motivated guys and gals who have hung on. These people are still beginners, I'm talking like total newbies. Yeah, they bought an issue of Men's Health or whatever and they took the centerfold, fold-out, workout out of it and they carry it around the gym and so the exercises for the sets and reps prescribed, but let's face it, they suck. Now they don't suck a little, like as in, not good or that's wrong, but they suck a LOT- a- bit. This isn't to bash on these folks, they've overcome a lot just to get to this sucky point and quite honestly it's not entirely their … [Read more...]
Blog Neglect and bad ass Girl Squats.
Thats what I've practiced for 2 months now... Every time I get going again I get really busy and Mr. Mc Blog goes to the back burner. So to stave that off I'll go with some "quick hitters" in between my always thoughtful, insightlful and all around awesome blog genius. Best blog post I've read in awhile- "Trainers Wanted" from Sean Hyson. This is epic, finally someone from the "inside" tells the truth about the main stream media and fitness training. i.e. It's a giant joke/ lie and the joke is on YOU! It's worth your 2 minutes, whether you work in the field or not....probably more so if not.. Best line: "Most of these “trainers to the stars” and other TV … [Read more...]