Is the Split Squat Row THE MOST Sadistic Exercise I Know? Lots of people (myself included) do half kneeling rows. They're great. They train: Stability Glute activation Lats Anti-rotation and most importantly half kneeling rows put all those things together into one brutally efficient movement for training stability and bracing. But eventually you can't row any more weight, there's just too much on the stack, it pulls you forward and it becomes impossible to maintain position. Truth is, half kneeling rows for more advanced athletes are not even close to being the best "back" exercise for … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Farmers Carry
What's the Most Functional Exercise You Can Do? Probably picking sh@t up and carrying it. really great tutorial and variations, def worth the watch We just went over this a few weeks ago...You Should Do This: Chaos Carries But, I've kinda, sorta noticed that not only have Farmers Carries become more popular but they're often absolutely brutalized. Most People do Farmers Carry's Like a Wet Noodle. I don't know how this became a thing but more and more the bells or worse the PERSON is waving in the wind while "performing" the exercise. Maybe it comes from seeing things like the Worlds Strongest Man on TV. Or … [Read more...]
“I Have Tight Hamstrings”, Part 1: No Ass Syndrome
"My Hamstrings Are Tight" Truth is, this is rarely the case. At least not in the way you think. *Quick Note: Some people DO have tight hamstrings. This has to do with the tendon length, muscle belly, past injury, origin and insertion points. Sometimes, when you put all these things together in the right combo, you DO, in fact have structurally"tight hamstrings". Most don't. What the Hell Do I Mean by Tight Hamstrings? Ummm they feel tight...right? But for real, TENSION. Lots of tension in the muscle, in the hamstring. That's usually what people mean when they use the term "tight". But the real question is, Tension When? I … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Half Kneeling Corner Press
Fun "Fact" (actually its an "informed opinion" based on the personal experience of yours truly: The Vast Majority of People Should NOT Overhead Press. Not everyone, not all, but most. Wait But What? "The Shoulder Press is A Foundational Movement" I agree, its great when done correctly. It strengthens the shoulders, triceps, upper chest and core, strong enough, even the legs. But most can't do them correctly. Don't believe me? Walk by just about any group exercise class doing shoulder pressing and you'll see: Overarched backs The weight out in front of the body Elbows out at 90 degrees only using 50% range of motion. Most people … [Read more...]
Half Kneeling: It’ll Fix What Ails Ya.
Q: What Makes Everything Harder? A: Half Kneeling... Do it in half kneeling and it's harder. Shoulder Press Corner Press Cable Row Pallof Press Do them in half kneeling, go ahead, use less weight... Its harder. Why? In the words of Gray Cook: "Tall and Half Kneeling Positions force you to OWN your position" In My Words, "You Can't Half-Ass, Half-Kneeling" When in Half-Kneeling it's really tough to hide your weaknesses with NO LOAD. Add even minimal loads and there's no denying it. Half-Kneeling is an Inherently Unstable Position. Yes, it tries to put you on your ass. Unless you align, activate, brace and move with solid, effective … [Read more...]
Rooting: Gripping the Floor Isnt Curling Your Toes
Root: Definition: A root's four major functions are 1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, 2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it, 3) storage of food and nutrients, 4) vegetative reproduction and competition with other plants. - Wikipedia That should be the role of your feet when you lift. Actively Rooting you into the ground, LOCKING the body into the floor. Much like the hands gripping the bar, the feet need to grip the floor if we're going to create optimal stability and generate maximal force. What Rooting Does: #1: Increases Surface Area The larger the surface area the more stable the base. Like Louie Says, "A pyramid … [Read more...]