What Do You Think About Yoga? I think my back hurts... At First My Mind is All Like: "It's a really good thing that teaches calmness, focus, controlled breathing and body awareness." But My Mouth Goes (after I give it some thought): "You probably shouldn't do it." Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? Why I don't recommend Yoga to most people. From my experience, Americanized yoga, what you'd probably be doing, is usually a real Sh@t fest. Full disclosure: I've NEVER taken a Yoga Class. For realzzzz I know you're mad right now. You're all like, "You're such a hypocrite, I like yoga. It's so kool. I've taught it for sooo long and it's awesome and I'm awesome and you … [Read more...]
When Do we Squat, Bench and Deadlift? On How I Became a Giant Puss, and you Can Too.
"Dude WTF happened to you? When did you become such a pussy? So none of your clients Squat, Bench or Deadlift anymore? You've got to be kidding me?" "Isn't it hypocritical to post videos of you doing those things on Instagram and then come out against them?" I got that from a few friends and occasional lifting partners from the last 10 years after I put these gems out: I Actually Prefer Single Leg Deadlifts For Most of my Clients. Switch exclusively to pushups. and I posted this, Why We Don't Squat?- Mike Boyle on my Facebook page (go "Like it") and agreed with the conclusion, Traditional Style, Bar on The Back, Squats, are Unnecessary for Most Lifters So, … [Read more...]
10 Random Thoughts on the Deadlift
#1: No, The Deadlift Doesn't Blow Out Backs: People are generally really scared of this lift and it's because this is, "deadlifts destroy your back" mind virus has permeated the culture for, since forever. It needs to stop. That sh@t YOU did, that blew out your back, it wasn't even a deadlift to begin with. [Tweet "Don't blame an exercise for your sh@tty technique."] #2: When I started this whole creating disciples to one day take over the world Training People Thing, no one Except me Deadlifted. I'm dead serious about this. <-----see what I did there? In college at (The) Towson University the ONLY people I ever saw deadlifting were with me or in the … [Read more...]
Stop Doing This: Plyometrics
Earlier this week I had a discussion with one of the better, for sake of a better word let use, "athletes" at work.... He's early to mid 30's in really good shape and ran track in college, now he's part of a special campus security team. He asked me about "plyometric" workouts..... I knew it was going to be bad.... It was he had gotten a workout off of the interwebzzz that called for 3 sets of 3 exercises for sets of 10-12 each..... plyo's are NOT body building...nor should we use the DeLorme method. It just ain't right....plyometrics are about speed and power. So this is the basics of what I told him: First off 99% of what people call plyometric is … [Read more...]
Geezers are (strong) people too…..
As a population we're getting older , "Population aging is progressing rapidly in many industrialized countries, but those developing countries whose fertility declines began relatively early also are experiencing rapid increases in their proportion of elderly people. This pattern is expected to continue over the next few decades, eventually affecting the entire world."- Gavrilvov But have faith, getting old(er) doesn't mean becoming a decrepit waste of a carcass. In fact you can be pretty darn spry: Cheating Father Time: 50-Year-Old Can Be Every Bit as Fit as Someone 30 Years Younger, but Exercise is Key. Activity is far more important than age in determining … [Read more...]