Injuries, Fundamentally injuries occur when the stress applied to the the tissue exceeds the tissues capabilities (tolerance). Adapted from The Biomechanics of Low Back injury: Implications on Current Practice in Industry and the Clinic Injuries fall into two categories: Chronic: the type that are persistent, either flaring up frequently and resolving only to soon flare up again, or they just kind of linger always there at some level of pain and/ or discomfort. Acute: these injuries occur and resolve. While they may occur again, it's usually separate, distinct, events. In truth these types of injuries are often interconnected. Acute Injuries Often … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Rotational Side Plank
Obliques, Might be the most Important Core Muscle. But then again, that's kinda like saying, "If you can only do one exercises which would you do?" Well, I can do ALL exercises, so how's about's I just choose the one that best fits the job at hand. Thanks.. Cause really all core muscles are VERY important. But obliques, "Tie the ribcage to the hips" - Kelly Starett. Wait, But What? Think about it. Here's the functional description of the obliques: The external and internal oblique muscles rotate and side bend the trunk. These muscles also contribute to spinal stability.......Acting alone, the external oblique can flex the trunk, side bend the torso … [Read more...]
Train Yo’ Core Right….
This is Bad......Like REAL bad.....Like OMG DO NOT do this, bad. STOP DOING CRUNCHES, SITUPS and TWISTING MOVEMENTS! They're destroying your spinal discs and either leading to back pain or setting you up for pain in the future. The "Core" is meant to work as a corset around the quite unstable lumbar (low back) spine providing a "bracing" effect to transfer force though the hips and or shoulders. The Lumbar Spine is not meant to be a loose, unstable, creator of motion no matter what you're trainer, doctor or yoga instructor says.... If you need a more in-depth explanation just go here, here or here... What you should do: Focus on making the "Core" a … [Read more...]
5 (More) Pretty Common Ways to Jack Yourself Up in the Gym Part 2
A New Year means... Newbies and LOTs of really, really bad things going on. Read the last 5 gym atrocities I went over here...... Here's a few more things that are not good, and by that I mean completely, a lot.: Jacked Up Thing 6: The 2-Minute Stretch the Calves and Hamstrings Warmup If the totality of your warm-up is 3 minutes of these: You Suck..... It takes waaaay more than that to get the body ready to move, and be loaded after a day of keyboard pounding. If you're not taking the time to warm-up … [Read more...]