Confession time, I really like it when I program a new exercise and the client gets a kinda sick look on their face and goes, "This is one of those things that looks really easy, but I know wont be" Yep, makes my day. And Tall Kneeling Behind the Back Kettlebell Holds despite their innocent appearance can be like torture for many. Why So Awful? If you have a craptastic bracing system you're gonna suffer. And guess what? Most of ya's got a craptastic bracing system. What the Hell is a "Bracing System" Anyway? Your bracing system is how you stack the body to create and absorb maximal tension through the system. The goal of bracing is to limit (prevent) … [Read more...]
You Should Do This: Tall Kneeling Pallof Iso Holds
Glutes Are Core Lets face it, we could all use a little bit more of both. And the truth is, glutes ARE core. But Roy, "I thought only abs are core." Abzzz are core, but so are glutes. How Are Glutes Core? Abs are primarily meant to STOP motion through the lumbar spine/ "core". The problem with this is that the abs work best when the spine is in neutral. We also call this the Cylinder or Neutral Scissor Position Neutral spine is RELIANT on a neutral pelvis... Wait But What? Yeah, the sacrum, the last segment OF YOUR SPINE is integrated with your pelvis. INTEGRATED, as in, it's the middle segment. You literally can't build a pelvis … [Read more...]